A Republic Middle School student has been removed from school for bringing a gun to class.
The student told his classmates that he had the gun and they turned him in.
The school district says there was no indication of violence and the student never made any threats.
Here’s more from the Republic School District:
District Families and Employees,
We are writing to you with some disheartening news.
No threat was made nor was there any indication of violence.
However, a Republic Middle School student brought a firearm to school today.
That student shared this news with other classmates who reported the situation to school administrators.
Immediately, the district began processing the situation in accordance with the Safe Schools Act.
This means an investigation ensued, the Republic Police Department became involved and the student was removed from school.
We would like to commend the students who reported this incident.
Their quick action and dedication to the “see something, say something” train of thought allowed this situation to quickly be mitigated.
This information is being shared with adults across our community in an effort to empower parents with the opportunity to visit with their student as they feel appropriate.
At school on Friday both RMS and RHS teachers will be leading a short discussion with students in regards to the importance of each person’s responsibility to keeping everyone safe at school.
The goal will be to help students process the current situation and feel empowered to “see something, say something” should they encounter a similar incident.
In closing, we would again like to thank the students who courageously reported this situation.
It is our commitment to distribute factual information as soon as possible in regards to school related incidents.
We hope this message is an indication of that commitment.