Nick Reed’s Must Read Headlines – 08.19.21

Nick Reed’s Must Read Headlines – 08.19.21

Nick Reed’s Must Read Headlines – 08.19.21

Joe Biden: 

President Biden did an interview with George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday. During the interview, Biden got angry, gave misinformation, and claims that his withdraw from Afghanistan could not have been better executed.

Public Schools: 

TONIGHT – There will be a school board meeting in Republic. Many parents will be in attendance to speak over the recent decision from the school to implement a mask mandate.

The Monett School District announced their back to school plan for students. In the plan, it’s requiring students to wear masks for the first two weeks of school. You can read the full plan below.

Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) filed a federal lawsuit in the Western District of Missouri to stop Springfield Public Schools from violating the First Amendment and requiring as a condition of employment that its educators commit to equity, become “anti-racist” educators, and affirm divisive and discriminatory programming that promotes treating individuals differently because of their skin color.


Last year, Samantha used a tele-visit through CoxHealth for her son. Her son was suffering from a possible ear infection after an evening of swimming.

While she was filling out the required field for the tele-visit, she didn’t fill out a promo code. She received a phone call from a CoxHealth representative saying she had to fill out the promo code, and she had to use the word “COVID”

Samantha refused to use the promo code because her son was not sick with COVID, he was sick with a possible ear infection. The rep said if she didn’t fill out the required promo code that they would be unable to proceed with the tele-visit.

After being denied health care by CoxHealth, Samantha took her child to urgent care. She then let off some steam by posting on social media to her friends about the interaction.

Someone got a hold of her post on social media and CEO of CoxHealth, Steve Edwards, decided to screenshot the post (with Samantha’s full name, profile photo, etc.)

Edwards then decided to mock her and post it to Twitter.

Samantha has decided to file a lawsuit. Steve Edwards still refuses to take the post down.

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