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Man Charged With Stabbing Superior At Fort Leonard Wood

Man Charged With Stabbing Superior At Fort Leonard Wood

Man Charged With Stabbing Superior At Fort Leonard Wood

A civilian pharmacist has been charged with stabbing his supervisor at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri multiple times before attempting to flee with the weapon.

Prosecutors say Robert Sapp, a 63-year-old man working at the Post Exchange Pharmacy at Fort Leonard Wood, was charged with on count of assault with a dangerous weapon.

The allegation levied by prosecutors claims that Mr. Sapp was seen by another employee arguing with the supervisory pharmacist after being approached at the dispensary window. The employee saw the two men tumble to the ground and Sapp standing over the victim with a knife, stabbing him repeatedly.

Mr. Sapp then allegedly fled with the knife, getting into a vehicle. Two bystanders testify that they tried to stop the vehicle, but were almost run over.

Military Police Service shut down the installation and blocked the exits before stopping Sapp, who was allegedly continuing to flee in his car.

The affidavit filed in support of the prosecution claims that the knife was in Mr. Sapp’s pocket, with visible blood and hair on it. It claims that Mr. Sapp was detained by Police.

The victim was transported to a hospital on base and is still in critical condition. The victim was stabbed multiple times, including in the head.

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