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Glenn Beck

Mon - Fri: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Crews Begin Work To Widen Highway 160 Between Springfield And Willard

Crews Begin Work To Widen Highway 160 Between Springfield And Willard

Crews Begin Work To Widen Highway 160 Between Springfield And Willard

A project to widen Route 160 to four lanes and improve safety at intersections between Springfield and Willard is scheduled to begin the week of July 15.

MoDOT says initial work includes clearing trees and brush and begin grading work for the new highway lanes. Crews will start near I-44 and work toward Willard. Much of the work will take place away from traffic.

During the week of July 8, drivers will see contractor crews moving in large equipment and installing work zone signs and erosion control devices.

Expected Traffic Impacts:

During 2019

  • Route 160 traffic stopped for up to 15 minutes to allow crews to blast rock. The exact dates/times will be announced later.
  • Nighttime one-lane traffic at times. Flaggers will direct drivers through the work zone. Nighttime work will take place between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.

During 2020

  • Side roads closed up to 35 calendar days where crews are working at intersections. Two side roads adjacent to one another will NOT be closed at the same time. There will be signed detours for some of the closed county roads.
  • Nighttime one-lane traffic at times. Flaggers will direct drivers through the work zone. Nighttime work will take place between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • Route 160 traffic shifted to new lanes so that intersections can be completed and crews can rehabilitate the existing bridge over the Frisco Highline Trail

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