
On Air

Kim Komando

Saturday: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM

03.16 The Gun Show – Mosque Shooting & Church Security

03.16 The Gun Show – Mosque Shooting & Church Security

03.16 The Gun Show – Mosque Shooting & Church Security

03.16 The Gun Show – Mosque Shooting & Church Security

Crime Stats: This week we’ve had 32 calls for assaults, 48 calls for burglaries, and 14 calls for shots fired. This is just for one week, and just for the city limits of Springfield.

Upcoming Seminar: Matt will be hosting part 3 of his 4 part series starting this Thursday from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at Classic Rock Coffee. This event is FREE to the public.

Anti-gun Legislation/Bad News: Dee shares several bad news items that have recently been in the news. In Connecticut, you may now sue a gun manufacturer. There will be a hearing on March


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