
On Air

Glenn Beck

Mon - Fri: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

11.17 PODCAST: Legalization of marijuana… Now what?

11.17 PODCAST: Legalization of marijuana… Now what?

11.17 PODCAST: Legalization of marijuana… Now what?

11.17 PODCAST: Legalization of marijuana… Now what?

Crime Stats: 46 calls for assaults, 32 calls for burglaries, and 19 calls for shots fired. These are just for the city limits of Springfield, and just for one week.

Legalization of marijuana… Now what?: Dee Wampler joins the program this morning to talk anti-gun consequences of this new legislation.

Under Federal law, Missouri residents will not be able to own a firearm if they have a certificate for medical marijuana.

Increased crime in UK: Britain has attempted to legislate and control guns, but now they’re facing a whole new type crime.. Knife attacks. Is it the guns,


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