
On Air

Safe Money Radio with Brad Pistole

Saturday: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM & 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Sunday: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

Nick Reed PODCAST: 10.25 – Lying About Ann Coulter & #ArrestFauci

Nick Reed PODCAST: 10.25 – Lying About Ann Coulter & #ArrestFauci

Nick Reed PODCAST: 10.25 – Lying About Ann Coulter & #ArrestFauci

Nick Reed PODCAST: 10.25 – Lying About Ann Coulter & #ArrestFauci

Hour 1 – 

Nick Reed talks about a variety of topics in the news, including:

Ann Coulter spoke at Missouri State University last week. The Springfield News-Leader claims that Coulter believes “women should not have the right to vote “because women see the government as their husbands.””

Nick clears up the misinformation from the News-Leader.

The International Atomic Energy Agency says that it no longer has access to monitoring devices keeping track of activity at a key site in Iran that manufactures centrifuge parts. This prevents the watchdog agency from assessing vital advances in centrifuge technology that could lead to


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