
On Air

What’s Cookin’ Today

Sunday: 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

PODCAST: 02.08 – Emergency Tactical First Aid Kits

PODCAST: 02.08 – Emergency Tactical First Aid Kits

PODCAST: 02.08 – Emergency Tactical First Aid Kits

PODCAST: 02.08 – Emergency Tactical First Aid Kits

Crime Stats: So far this week we’ve had 29 calls for shots fired. This is just for one week, and just for the city limits of Springfield.

2020 Dem Debate: Dee Wampler gives a recap on the Dem debate that took place last night.

Virginia: What is the latest on Virginia? Some counties in Virginia are wanting to secede due to strict gun control laws.

First Aid: Craig talks about what you need in an emergency tactical first aid kit.

ABC of First Aid: Matt finishes up the program this morning by covering the ABC’s that you need


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