
On Air

Safe Money Radio with Brad Pistole

Saturday: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM & 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Sunday: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

PODCAST: 02.29- Crime Increase in Springfield, MO

PODCAST: 02.29- Crime Increase in Springfield, MO

PODCAST: 02.29- Crime Increase in Springfield, MO

PODCAST: 02.29- Crime Increase in Springfield, MO

Crime Stats: So far this week, we’ve had 19 calls for shots fired. This is just for one week, and just for the city limits of Springfield.

Springfield Crime: Is the Springfield police department being honest about the growing number of crime reports within the city? Springfield’s increasing violent crime rate (Springfield News-Leader)

ATF Letter: Matt finishes up the program this morning by discussing the letter from the ATF. You can read the full letter BELOW:



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