
On Air

Safe Money Radio with Brad Pistole

Saturday: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM & 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Sunday: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

PODCAST: 04.25- Special guest Judge Rusty Johnston 

PODCAST: 04.25- Special guest Judge Rusty Johnston 

PODCAST: 04.25- Special guest Judge Rusty Johnston 

PODCAST: 04.25- Special guest Judge Rusty Johnston 

Crime Stats – Total of 38 calls. April 18- April 24.

Matt Canovi – “Increase of violence is here to stay”

Dee Wampler – “Crime is a growth industry”

Craig Heidemann – Talk about reloading during “zombie apocalypse

Special guest Judge Rusty Johnston and Matt Canovi discuss how government handles COVID-19


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